How to appear on the Instagram Explore page
Do you want to know how to accelerate the growth of your account on Instagram? It's called the Explorer Page and a feature can lead to a huge increase in followers, engagement, and lead generation.
But finding your way on this page is a mystery to many budding influencers. Especially with all the constant algorithm changes, it can be very frustrating to lose so much time and effort in your account without real growth.
If you manage to display your message on the Explorer page, you benefit from additional visibility and accelerated growth! But how do you get there?
What is the page to explore?
Let's start by giving you a good overview of the exact nature of the crawl page and its usefulness for growing your account.
The Crawl Page has long been a feature of Instagram and its main use is to help you find more accounts that you will enjoy on the platform. It highlights popular stories by showing their recent images to people who do not currently follow them.
It's a constant stream of content that Instagram thinks you'll enjoy, and a great way to develop the type of accounts that populate your watch list.
How does Instagram choose which messages to display?
The page of exploration is different for each user because it is based on past activity and individual interests. But the way they select highlight images always works from one account to another – it's just the results that differ.
One of the key factors that determines the content displayed on the crawl page is the amount of engagement a publication generates. The commitment covers everything from tastes, comments and backups.
We already know how the most recent algorithm changes have a high level of engagement, but they are essential for your content to be displayed on the crawl page. Instagram understands that a good commitment means that people are interested in your message. If your message interests internet users, these should be of good quality and therefore deserve to be highlighted on their crawl page.
But it's not enough to attract good levels of commitment: you have to attract it quickly. The algorithm favors content that attracts a high engagement rate in the first 15 minutes. For this reason, you must track the analysis of your accounts in your business account to know exactly when your subscribers are the most active.
The network effect
The easiest way to highlight your content on the crawl page is to interact more with your content.
Instagram fills your content exploration page that you liked and content that the accounts you follow have liked. This is what is called the "network effect". If you manage to attract a similar comment or similar account to a large account, your message will then be shown to the rest of their subscribers through their exploration, which will actually expand your reach.
This is one of the ways that your content can quickly become "viral," because every comment or similar comment you receive from someone also shows your content to their subscribers on the crawl page. If your message is about a particular account that is of great interest, do not be afraid to tag it or mention it in the comments. However, do not just score random accounts: it's a quick way to mark your account as spam!
How to get your content on the page of exploration
It's essential to attract engagement, and here are some simple ways to improve your content for viewing on the crawl page.
Customized content
First, you need to publish high quality content on your feed. Publications of poor quality will do nothing to improve your brand or attract commitment. Without commitment, you will not be able to appear on the crawl page – that's why we are here!
But more than that, once you're on the Explore page, you want your message to stand out from everyone else. And the easiest way to proceed is to use first-rate content. The best way to create the type of content that will appeal to your subscribers is to indulge in a bit of online stalking!
In the world of marketing, we call this "social listening", it is a valuable tool for anyone trying to improve their social media presence. Review the profiles of your subscribers and the following lists to discover the type of content with which they engage the most. Then use this information to dictate your own content schedule.
Include an incentive for action
If you want people to like or comment on your photo, the easiest way to do it is sometimes to ask! Including an incentive for action in your caption helps your followers understand exactly what you want them to do, without having to be complicated or fancy.
See? Simple and effective ways to increase engagement on your post!
The power of the hashtag
If you are on Instagram and do not fully exploit your hashtag game, then you really miss it! This platform has been built on the power of hashtags, and ignoring them is the perfect way to stop your growth.
Including a single hashtag in the title of your message can result in an average of 12.6% more commitment than leaving them completely out of the game. Hashtags help bring even more people to your thread, helping you get more engagement, allowing you to access this essential exploration page.
There are many sites with hashtag listings or you can search for some of your favorite accounts to see which one they are using. Experiment with the combinations that suit you best and apply them to all your messages to incorporate these "likes" and comments.
Appearing on the crawl page is a great way to expand your Instagram account. Follow these simple tips and you'll soon see an increase in engagement clicks, subscribers, and websites in your profile.